About the Work


Osteopathic and Integrative Medicine


Dr. Dawn generally starts an osteopathic treatment by observing how the patient’s system is currently functioning (diagnostics), and determines how the therapeutics of the system are looking to create change. She then engages with the therapeutic forces present through Osteopathic Manual Treatment. The direction and tempo of the treatment is determined and prioritized by the intelligence that comes through the Breath of Life, also known as Primary Respiration in osteopathy.

Patients often come with a lot of questions regarding their health. Dr. Dawn likes to support patients in asking questions and listening to the wisdom that expresses through the body and the surrounding space of the body, so ultimately patients are supported in deepening their own listening and attunement with their healing process. Her perceptual abilities allow her to perceive and work well with interrelationships- between parts of the body (i.e. the biochemistry, cells, tissues, organs, systems, DNA, etc.) or parts of consciousness (i.e. beliefs, stories, agreements, intentions, etc.) and the whole. The communication that is necessary for proper flow and function of the body is observed and supported, such that the patient experiences greater inner connectivity and harmony as well as intra-connectivity and harmony with others and the environment.

With her training in Spacial Dynamics, Dr. Dawn also looks at how a patient is inhabiting their body. This relates directly to their life-force body, also known as the habit body or etheric body. She asks, is the patient inhabiting the body and the space around the body in a healthy way? Often times the way in which patients inhabit their bodies will have a direct effect on how they feel in their bodies, as well as how well their bodies function.

For more information on Osteopathy, Osteopathic Manual Medicine, Biodynamic Osteopathy and Spacial Dynamics, please see the FAQs section.

Dr. Dawn treat patients of all ages and all medical conditions, and enjoys working with individuals as well as families. She currently has offices in the East Bay and Marin.

Conditions Treated with Osteopathy


Include but are not limited to: digestive, respiratory, genito-urinary, immune dysfunction, infectious, autoimmune, cardiovascular, headache, traumatic brain injury/concussion, back pain, musculoskeletal, anxiety, depression, addiction, fatigue, scoliosis, joint problems, ears/nose/throat, teeth/jaw, sinus, birth trauma, neurodevelopmental.

First Time Patient?


What can I expect during a treatment?

During the first visit, a medical history will be taken and a brief physical examination will be performed.  For the treatment, you will lie down (most likely on your back), and you will be fully clothed (minus your belt, glasses, and anything in your pockets).

Dr. Dawn will then put her hands on you, usually under the thorax, but sometimes feet or other areas of the body.  She may stay in that area or move around depending on what is showing up in the body. The contact will be engaging yet gentle, and most patients will find themselves starting to relax as they treat.  You may hear digestive rumblings or bowel sounds, or feel occasional muscle fasciculations as your body relaxes. You may fall asleep or stay awake during the treatment.

Some people can feel a lot happening, while some people do not feel anything happening.  Your system will treat regardless of what you are aware of happening with your physical senses.  It is best to give yourself space and time to rest and continue treating. You will continue to treat for days after being in the office.

What can I expect after a treatment?

Some people experience soreness for a day or two after treatment.  Often times people report feeling more open or mildly tired, and as if they want to spend time with themselves and rest. Resolution of symptoms can be immediate, though sometimes it can take days or multiple sessions.

What are recommendations after treatment?

It is not unusual for people to feel better and then “overdo” it after treatment.  It is recommended to take it easy, avoid strenuous exercise or high stress engagements, and increase fluid intake for about 24 hours.  Also avoid "testing" areas to see if pain or limited motion has gone away, until after at least 48 hours.